Sedation Dentistry in Scarborough, Mississauga, and Brampton

Sedation Dentistry Near You

We understand that dental appointments can be overwhelming for some people. It’s natural to feel anxious or stressed about dental care. We offer various sedation options to help you feel more comfortable throughout your visit.

Sedation dentistry near you

What is Sedation?

If you’re looking for a gentle way to calm your nerves, we offer nitrous oxide sedation, also known as laughing gas. This gas will help you relax and feel at ease while still being able to communicate with your dentist.

If you’re looking for a deeper level of sedation, we also offer intravenous (IV) sedation. This method involves administering medication through a vein, which will put you in a more relaxed state. You’ll be conscious during the procedure but may not remember much.

Our team is experienced in administering both types of sedation and will work with you to determine the best option for your needs. Don’t hesitate to ask us about sedation options, as we want to ensure you have the most comfortable experience possible.

Process of Administering Sedation

Patient assessment: pre-operative assessment, including reviewing the patient’s medical records, allergies, medications, and health issues.

Pre-sedation prep: we will ensure you are comfortable, and establish which arm the IV will go into if IV sedation is required.

Administering sedation: chosen sedative medication is administered. As sedative is administered, our dental will keep a close eye on you, ensuring the desired level of sedation is administered. 

Dental procedure: perform the dental procedure once the patient reaches the appropriate level of sedation ensuring pain control and comfort.

Post care: monitor the patient during recovery, ensuring they are alert and stable. We will then provide any post-sedation side effects or complications, such as nausea or dizziness.

Recovery and discharge: monitoring the patient and ensuring they can leave safely. 

Relax and Restore Comfort at Our Dental Clinic, Visit Today

Do you deal with dental anxiety or want a dental procedure in Scarborough, Mississauga, and Brampton? Sedation dentistry may be the best bet for a comforting dental experience. Call or email us to get started; we’ll help you choose the best day and time to come in. Our dental group is excited about the opportunity to get to know and work with you.